Physics, Rogue Science?


Welcome to the Esau James section of this website, where we will look for solutions to the problems identified on the main site.
The solution that will be presented will be coherent, consistent, comprehensible and common sense. It will be simple and straightforward, mechanistic in the manner of other sciences, propose no new magic particles and conceptually nothing that takes us beyond the solid, reliable, physical universe known to science at the end of the nineteenth century.
It provides a compact, determinist, physical explanation for all of the core observations of light, force and matter, plus a variety of phenomena that current theory struggles to incorporate, and has therefore marginalized.
This is something that has been comprehensively ruled out in modern physics, but that reasoning is poor and inconclusive, as detailed on the main site and in the sections that follow.
As you would expect of a fresh approach, it makes a range of novel predictions, many of which are very testable.


Cross links are provided, but this section of the site is probably best read in the order suggested.


Not at all.
From 1860 to 1900, James Clerk Maxwell and those who followed him missed clear opportunities to clarify a background medium for both light and electromagnetism.
From 1900 to 1930 there emerged the concepts of relativity and the particle photon that were to send theoretical physics off in not one but two wrong directions.
The developing weakness of these ideas and the absolute determination to retain them at any cost to scientific method and reason progressively destroyed fundamental theoretical physics as a functioning science, legitimating almost any quasi-physical or metaphysical idea, and so it remains today.
A re-examination of these ideas has shown not only their weaknesses and errors, and the illegitimate scientific and pedagogic efforts to protect them from critical eyes and cold logic, but the genuine possibilities that were missed or abandoned.


Yes and no.
Much of what follows can be found in the work of Kelvin, Maxwell, Lorentz and Schrödinger, but since it is now a very long time since physics abandoned the search for answers that were physical and coherent, some of it is very well buried.
One of the important lessons from the failures of the last century is that science only works when it all works. The new model could not have been constructed from these parts, even if I had known of them at the time, because they would have been swamped by the theoretical noise.
At the very end of this model, I will detail how it arose.

Analysis to synthesis

The deconstructive analysis of the Physics Rogue Science site directs us away from certain failed ideas and towards a set of more mundane ones, so we will start by gathering these together:

We will summarise the problems that require solutions
We will detail the core and peripheral failures of theoretical physics
We will set out the key conclusions we are directed to
We will examine objections to these conclusions here

This gives us a set of basic ideas of how the Universe functions, and suggests a range of further conclusions, albeit more tentative:

We will extend the model to make educated guesses about the fundamental elements of matter, and the mechanism of gravity
We will demonstrate how this model accounts naturally for a range of otherwise curious observations
We will detail a range of unique predictions
We will additionally look at the original reasoning of Maxwell, what this means for the nature of scientific investigation, and reveal how the new model arose.

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